Spinnaker Employee Satisfaction Online Survey

Most likely all of these questions may not apply to your job. Answering any of these questions is optional

Employee Satisfaction
Assignments / Departments: (choose up to three)

Hiring, Onboarding & Orientation

The job posting described the job correctly
The hiring process was simple and easy
The hiring manager was professional and worked well with me so that I understood the onboarding process
The orientation was informative and professional
The trainer was professional and well prepared


My supervisors speaks to me respectfully and professionally
My supervisors clearly communicates expectations
My supervisors provides leadership, guidance and motivation
My supervisors gives fair and equal treatment
My supervisors are easily accessible
Management provides a good and positive work environment
Management maintains consistent policies and practices
Management provides recognition of achievements
Management allows me to do my job without micro-management
Management has trained me properly to do my job
I feel free to speak freely and voice my concerns to Supervisor / Management

HSE & Quality

The company provides a top notch safety culture
Safety is practiced at all levels of the organization
I am provided with all the PPE that I need to perform my job safely
Good housekeeping is practiced by employees


The equipment is well maintained
When I ask for repairs, the equipment is repaired in a timely manner
I have confidence that the fleet is always road worthy and ready for service
Other employees leave equipment clean and ready for service

The Job Itself

The job is challenging
There is sufficient opportunities for advancement
The workload is manageable
I have access to adequate training and development
There is sufficient staff for me to do my job safely

Compensation and Benefits

The total compensation is adequate in relation to my responsibilities
The company provides a good benefits package of healthcare, Dental, Vision and 401k

Your Feedback is important

I feel comfortable recommending someone else to work for the company
Thank you for taking a few minutes to help us improve the employee experience. Once you submit this survey, you will receive a submission confirmation. If you will screenshot that confirmation to danney.edwards@spinnakeroil.com, Danney will fix you up with a nice BP Safety card